
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Monday, August 25, 2008


So yesterday I went and talked to my Bishop in Grantsville and got everything set up so I could start my mission papers! I got alot of the papers done today. It is all an online process. I am pretty excited! There are a few things I think about here and there that are a little scary but I know a mission will be a great experience. I know it will be an honor to serve my church and get the gospel out to those who need to know about it. I know it has been a blessing in my life to be a member of the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, and I know it will help other people as they learn about it. I am pretty excited...It will probably be a few months before I get my call but I will let ya'll know where I am going and when. Well thats all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So today has just been one of those days...Ya know when everything just seems to upsets you!? Well sometimes I hate having emotions...and my family would agree(I am a very emotional person). But its times like today that I realize its good to have emotion and let people know how you feel. But since today I have realized what true friends are... I will always stand by my friends and support them through everything they go through. Its friends that don't do those things that are not worth having as friends. If you have a friends that's always mean to you, expects you to do everything for them but will not do anything for you in return, they are not a good friend! Now a person like my best friend Emily is what makes me realize that its worth having friends! She is the best friend I have ever have. W e have known each other for 2 years and she has always been there to support me through everything. We have had our misunderstandings and little fights but no matter what she stays a true and reliable friend! Thank you Emily! and all those who have been there for me my whole life without letting me down. Thanks to all of you that read my blog and deal with my rambling on about true friends or whatever it is I choose to write about that day. Thank you! Love ya'll!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Family friendship's

So I have been thinking about my family a lot lately and have realized how very grateful I am for them. They are there for me through everything, and I know I can tell them anything without them judging me. Also I appreciate them so much cuz ever since I can remember not only has my family been my family they are also my best friends!

When I went out in the world (Texas, College) I realized that not all families are like that. As a matter of fact a lot of the people I talked to did not get along with there families. So I just wanted my family to know how much they mean to me!

I dunno what I would do without them. We sing together, dance together, laugh together, and even cry together. We have been through good times, hard time,and sad times. But we always stick together. So again thank you guys for being so great. I love you all so much.